Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tooty Tuesday

Just another crazy preschool kinda morning...

Miss Kam is up and pleasant & eats breakfast without the occasional ordeal it can be - esp. when rushed.  Everything is running smoothly UNTIL....it's time to get dressed.  "I want you to do it - no, I can do it myself!"  I put on her socks - god forbid BEFORE her pants!!  So, off those went at the hands of little Sybil.  Finally, it's time for her to put on "the jeans. "  Oh yea, it hit the fan and didn't stop!!  

Sweet little Macy gets a lovely morning routine eye opener of big sissy screaming and tantruming over her clothes.  "Too tight, I don't like these jeans, I'm never wearing them again!!"  and she takes them off.   Arrgghhh.  After a time out, we get to THE HAIR!!   If it ain't in the same ol' barrette on the side fashion, she ain't having it.  She tore it out TWO times - so I told her she could go to school with it looking "like that" - all cockeyed from the tearing of the princess hairbow.  "You are going to have another time out and have to tell Miss Jean (her name is ironic, eh?) why you were late."  That actually got her thinking.  I briefly explained to the teacher about this morning & she sweetly told Kam "I like those jeans!"

Further details aside, we got out of the house and to preschool.  On to meet a friend for a much deserved cup-o-java, with toddler in tow (who was probably still trying to re-cupe from the antics of her role-model sister).  Ok, get the goodies ordered, sit down & try to chill for a couple.  Things go well & I get to have awhile venting about crazy families w/my friend.  Do we all have nutty parents, siblings??  Seems like there's always at least one.

I casually notice Macy playing w/my keys.  She totally knows how to push the red button to make the van "beep-beep-beep."  However, we are way at the back of Panera and the van is wayyy at the other end, so no worries - I take them & keep munching on my Asiago cheese bagel (which I opted for over the Poppy Seed bagel - not for drug testing purposes - rather, to prevent the seeds from sticking in my front teeth - which they always do) & talking w/my mouth full because, by golly, I'm having (mostly) adult time!!!   

A sweet sorta older couple approached a nearby table.  The hubby says (not in a muted tone by any means) to his sweet looking white haired bride, "by ALL these kids???"  (There were two.)  They were actually cute & we laughed about it.  As we left, I said "we'll get these kids outta your hair so you can enjoy your bfast."  The bald gentleman said "you don't need to say that to me (pointing to his head)."  Like a dummy, I said "yea, guess we never were in your hair."

Anyway, we get to the van.  BOTH side doors are wide open!  Yea, guess the remote function works from a much further distance than I realized!  Everything was intact - guess no one is the market for two carseats or days old CheezIts on the floor.

Get gas - have a mild heart attack ($3.79-really??) - proceed to Wally World where a man offers me $200 for Macy and I suggest he take a look at the five year old instead.

Then I get the essentials - beer & diapers.  Then head to preschool to pick up Kami who has transformed, for the moment, into an angel.

1 comment:

  1. "I suggested he take a look at the 5-year-old instead"
    Essentials=beer and diapers!
    Loved it; my fave yet b/c of your hilarious commentary.
