Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wacked Out Wednesday

Wed is my work (outside of the home) day.  I have little one in bed w/me - since about 6am.  I tell her to sleep "until the sun wakes up" - which, I have learned is approximately 5:15 am.  It is usually this time, on the dot, when she wakes.  However, she will go back to sleep if I put her in bed w/me - so I do.
But I end up waking her as I try to sneak out for a shower.  And it's hair-washin' day, so I have to allot more time. 

So I am able to take a shower without any interruptions (I believe this is a first, for a hair-washin' day shower, especially!).  I'll give the hubs credit for starting the coffee.  But how is it I end up getting myself ready, feed the kids and myself (I mean, I DID have to pop waffles in the toaster & all), do a diaper change, AND chop up an onion & a big ol' roast & throw it in the crock pot - ALL before leaving the house?  Women are so awesome, right?

My self -sufficient, appreciative, affectionate, unforgetful (which is not a word, according to spell check), immaculate teen is staying w/the kids again while I do the morning part of work.  Hope you sense the sarcasm here.

I get into the beloved (yea, right) mini van and head down the road to my first appointment - about 25 minutes worth of listening to MY music-which I realized about five minutes into the drive while listening to Kids Station Live on XM Radio...

Well, I get home in time for lunch/nap, as usual.  I smell a combo of poo and roast w/onion.  Awesome.  Teen informs me of how the little one made a green load of toxic waster in her diaper, removed it, then proceeded to sit on the carpet, leaving the residue of the butt mush in it's place.  Teen did her best (I'm sure) to clean it up.  Seriously - kudos to her for having to deal w/that while I'm gone.  However, AFTER I hand the babe a piece of cheese that she consumes, I notice her hands smell poo-ish.  Great.

I wonder how all that happened unnoticed?  I mean, nothing much could have been happening - the teen had time to do her hair (thanks to the borrowing of my new Chi iron), and she was checking her texts upon my arrival. 

As I'm preparing lunch (thank you lord, for creating humans w/brains - therefore, the microwave), the girls scream at each other, one crying over one of those fake broken fingernails on the floor (which she had for all of three minutes), & the other crying b/c she couldn't get a container to open.  We finally sit down to spaghetti.  After removing little one's shirt (always comes off for ravioli or spaghetti - a red-stained belly is better than a ruined shirt), I head back to the kitchen to retrieve my plate (always last).  When I get back, one minute later, 2 yr old has found the syrup from Wednesday's Waffles and has poured it over her spaghetti and a nice pool of it on the table.  Good times.

After threatening the kids with "no swimming later unless you eat three more bites," it's nap time for little one.  She requests I do "Rock A Bye Baby" in the rocking chair.  We snuggle as I hum the tune.  As I rise to lay her down, her head sticks slightly as she lifts it off my shoulder.  I get a whiff of syrup, then lie her down - I'll wipe her down later...

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