Friday, March 25, 2011

And it's only NOON??

After waking up numerous times throughout the night (my own horrible sleeping patterns, plus Macy Bea fussing off & on - & attempting to sleep w/her in my bed about 6am - with her putting her hand down my shirt, on my face, in my nose...well, her fingers anyway), finally get up to face the day.  The little ones & I are excited to attend a new playgroup at a Community Hall where we can bring ride on toys.  Perfect for a rainy, cold day.  Or so I thought.  I brought Macy and Sybil (let me refresh those who may not recognize my nickname for my middle child - Sybil is the name of a girl who had multiple multiple - yes I meant to repeat that - personalities) to the playgroup w/bike & push along hippo in tow.  Kami WAS so pumped.

We get inside, & she totally melts down.  I'm sure you readers (please, let there be readers) can relate.  Macy took off playing while "Sybil" (who is nearly five, mind you) hung onto my leg.  Now, I can't blame her at first.  She didn't even get to ride her bike when we got there before another young girl hopped on & took off.  I should have prepared my middle child for a sharing playdate, but just didn't think ahead.  Imagine that.  "I want to go home" was repeated more than once.  But, by the end, she DIDN'T want to go home - good lawdy.

We came home & had lunch.  I was, of course, expecting the kids to konk out & take an awesome nap.  But, just as we moms expect something like that, you KNOW it ain't happenin'!  Well, Macy hadn't had a BM for a couple of days (I was sure she would have one at playgroup), sooooo....when I go in b/c she is screaming in her crib I check for poo - it's a no-show.  So start reading to Kami (she has changed back into her namesake for the moment).  Macy continues to scream - you guessed it, poo.  Get her changed, she fusses a bit more, but finally settles so I can get Kami off to nap. 

Hate to share too much personal info, but as I am using the loo (and multitasking by sorting the mail), here comes Kam "you forgot to turn my butterfly lights on."  Well, dang it all.  Off she goes back to bed.  I decide I am soooo pooped (had to use that word again) that I am going to attempt a nap myself.  But, on the couch b/c I don't want to hear the puppy bark off my bedroom window.  I have a hard time falling asleep in general - my mind won't turn off I suppose.  After I have situated myself on the couch, I remember I have my cell phone on - get up turn to silent.  Re-situate myself by kicking the dog off the couch.  Start to drift a bit, then I hear the computer taking off - hubs & I joke to "sit back & enjoy the ride, the plane is taking off!"  That modem runs so stinkin' loud!!  Get up, turn the darn thing off, SO, re-re-situate myself w/my dolphin pillow pet (Kami just knew I wanted that for my bday).  Then, I start thinking, well, I haven't posted anything on my blog in awhile (b/c I NEVER have any dang time), this might be a good one.  Then I keep thinking of things to add - so I got up & let the plane take flight.
And, what do you know, Sybil got up 1/2way thru the post...

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